Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aha, back to the heart of worship = )
this thursday is FGA CYC leaders training,
can't wait, I will take what it takes to go
this camp , hahahz

I love GOD, really really really ~~~~*
hahahz. Jus love Him very much,
I will do the best in everythings i do = )

I love the life HE gaves it to me,
is challenging, mount-height trouble life,
I know HIM as HE know me ...

Feel like shouting ~~~ JESUS I LOVE YOU very much
in hostel now. hahahz

Back to the heart of worship and Royal Rumble~~~

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wonderful time v my familys and relatives here at Malacca,
so happy to see them.

This time I came back home with a new me,
a Christ-like character , although they is still many
parts of me that need to be changes 100% but I'm still doing my best.

hmm, there is also alot of things changes which make me very sad.
I found out most of my friends did not wan to mix v me anymore,
39/100 of my friends coz of mistaken - gf bf problem last time,
21/100 of my friends coz of club - I rejected,
19/100 of my friends coz of work - dont wan kacau them,
11/100 of my friends coz of envy - I think,
10/100 of my friends still available only T___-T.
how come will be like this, we were once pals and now everythings changes,
hmm maybe coz of my ego and stupidility last time but never mind,
at least I still can see get you all ^,^ Halleluyah !!!

Next thursday going back KL,
I'm gonna be very serious about my study,
gonna plan aim, fast for souls and dreams for His kingdom,
I'm not gonna be my old-selves again, which do things half way,
easily get up set and angry. NEVER !!!

This time is NEW,
doing my best. . ! !

To -YOU- ,
I'm very happy u make the correct choices,
yea, that's right, seek Him 1st !! ^,^


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The 100% Ribena

Let-ing GO everthings,
100% just for You, Lord !!

Not easy but I'm willing to do it !
Halleluyah !

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Good Morning x )

Good Morning everybody =) ,
Ysterday was alot of fun.

Morning - Broga Hill Climb
Noon - Woohoo Movie
Evening - Prayer Meeting
Night - Shabu 1
Midnight - a good nap
Now - NEWAY-ing

xD, so fun !!
but after all these ,
I am gonna start fasting for my own good,
1. Let my heart be closer to Holy Spirit
2. For my CG
3. So I have more to bless
4. Diet

I will do it !
Jia You Jia You !

to all of you outside,
Hav a blessed CNY = )

Monday, February 1, 2010

Me + Myself

. . . . .
Lord I come to you and I admit I've alot of weakness in many parts,
I need YOU to strengthen me.

To my beloved friends :
hmmm. . . I have moody days like others too,
Please don't judge me T___-T ( It Hurts in some way)
I have emotions too a, have sadness and stress
I'm not person born-to-be Mr.Perfect.
In many times I do need a person or someone to hear my prob
and share my tears.
I'm really sorry if I upset one of you all,
I admit I'm not perfect pls enlighten me when I'm wrong,
I like you all to be just straight to me rather than make a round,
I'm willing to change to better and better, just tell me,
don't make fool of me behind my back, it HURTs a lot !
I really take you all as my pals, I'm really sorry if I upset you all.

GOD Bless YOU all, pals !!! = )